agency for continuous change

New ways of working are the now. Dual competences are a must. We mindfully up:skill you and your team to navigate the technological chabaang with focus, an open mind with strategic foresight and an equipped heart with resilience and trust.
May it be an individual topic of self growth, new leadership, an organisational challenge to tackle or implementing new technologies in human systems – We would love to safari with you. Take us on the ride!
Strategic Design Consulting / Branding / Design Doing Sprints
We are :technology. We are :human. We facilitate unique growth of small and large businesses from inside out. Let`s make it about your now, our future. What`s your / your companies ecosystem to show to the world, live, laugh & thrive in? Are you ready for the future?
#strategicwhat #changedesigner #futureworkhabits #co-creative
Culture Analysis & New Work / Change / Design
Putting people first. Empowering growth and development.
New work needs inner work. Future markets, future jobs, future HR. Understanding lifestyles of tomorrow. Why care?
#culturechange #holistictransformation #peoplematter
Hypno/Systemic Coaching
Love affairs between challenges and solutions. We do see vast possibilities in connection, heartset, presence, you name them all – You are in charge. Let`s start your own creative discovery journey now. Let`s play? Now is your time!
#solutionsoultalk #trusttheprocess #personalgrowth #bepresentnow
*Gunther Schmidt / Maturana&Varela / Maja Storch / Insoo Kim Berg / Jon Kabat-Zinn / Mindfulness
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi / Paolo Knill / Shaun McNiff / Steve de Shazer
Creative Team Training &
We re:think, re:discover, re:create. Understanding purpose & commitment, then evolutionary transforming the now. We train you, your team and your leaders to get on board sailing the ship. Exploring oceans filled with possibilities. Equipped for the storm? Let`s find out together!
#yourvibeattractsyourtribe #employerbranding #internalcommunication #conflictmanagement #lalouxrules
Leadership Training & Development
Focus, presence, clarity, decisiveness, foresight, creativity,
self-awareness, empathy and trust. Every team needs an anchor, a focus point. Mindfulness is the essence to it all. Where are you rooted? Upskill now!
#presenceispower #trustbasedleadership #transformationalleadership
Heartful Moderation &
The art of hosting – enabling culture. Facilitating people and change efficiently, in a structured and solution-oriented manner so potentials can unfold without restrictions. Game changer or game over? Let`s talk!
#brandidentity #culturecoding #artofhosting #communication
Tell us all about it!
Let`s future design together!